Use of canary seed in aquaculture feeds for freshwater fishes: a review



Canary seed, phytosterols, cholesterol, hypocholesterolemic effect, functional feed, freshwater fish


This review analyzes the most relevant information from 88 publications of which 41 are focused on the nutritional and functional quality of canaryseed, which is native to the Mediterranean region with a world production of approximately 257,600 tons in 2020. It contains a moderate contribution of protein, within which stands out some amino acid content rich in lysine, arginine and tryptophan, higher than other edible grains, it also has a high content of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats; in addition, it has been found to provide a high content of lipase type enzymes helping in the reduction of triglycerides in the blood when used as an ingredient in the diet of humans. More recent studies indicate that it is a very important source of sterols, which is why this seed has been used in popular culture to treat problems associated with increased cholesterol and some cardiovascular diseases, especially in people with obesity. However, in freshwater fish the use of this seed has not been potentiated to increase aspects such as added value and to propose new non-conventional ingredients for the aquaculture food industry, therefore, these aspects are the central part of this review.                   




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Literature reviews