Comparison of daily weight gain in two groups of female kids fed with whole milk or biocholine-supplemented milk
goats, biocholine, milk, weight gainAbstract
Artificial lactation is increasing in goat farms due to its innumerable advantages. The aim of this study was to compare daily weight gain (DWG) in female kids fed with biocholine-supplemented milk or whole milk without supplementation. The study was carried out with 16 French Alpine goats separated from their mother at birth and distributed into 2 groups; the control group (n=8) from mothers fed without supplementation with biocoline and the experimental group (n=8) from mothers fed with a diet supplemented with 8 g of biocoline. They were fed under an artificial lactation system and weighed daily until 2 months of age; the amount of milk produced by the mothers was measured weekly and the percentages of protein, fat and lactose were analyzed. No statistically significant differences (P>0.05) were found for DWG, nor for any of the milk components, but statistically significant differences (P<0.05) were found for milk production. It is concluded that biocoline at a dose of 8 g increases the amount of milk, but it does not increase main milk components, so the offspring did not have higher DWG.
Clave: e2022-12
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