Trophic ecology of insectivorous guild in agroforestry systems and Mountain Mesophilic Forest



avifauna, canonical-correspondence, biologic control, bird droppings, insects-pest


The purpose of the present study was to determine the diet of the insectivorous bird guild through the analysis of excreta and insect collection. From August 2018 to January 2019, search-intensive, branch cutting-shaking, mist-netting, scat analysis and insect identification were applied. Richness (Jacknife1), similarity (Jaccard) and diversity (Shannon-Wiener) were determined. Kruskal-Wallis, X2, Poisson regression analysis (PRA) and canonical correspondence (CCA) were applied. Jacknife1 shows a mean of 39 families. Jaccard shows a similarity of 19.88 %. Shannon-Wiener shows a diversity of H' = 3.09. Kruskal-Wallis shows differences in richness (0.0423*) and diversity (0.0148*). The X2 test shows that the richness of insect families theoretically present was not recorded (P < 0.05). PRAs show that six orders, two families, two insect types (cut and shake); one order, one family and one item (feces) have an effect on bird abundance. The CCAs show the conformation of seven (cutting and shaking) and six (feces) groups that show relationships between birds and the orders, families, insect type and items recorded. Trophic sympatry is exhibited in some of the birds recorded, favoring the biological control of pest and parasitic insects.   





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