Performance, intestinal integrity and immune response in broilers fed diets supplemented with L- glutamine



AminoGut, Glutamine, Glutamic Acid, performance, intestinal villi, immune response


In two experiments the addition of AminoGut (AG) was evaluated. In Experiment 1, 300 Ross 308 broilers were used in 5 treatments with 3 repetitions of 20 broilers each. In Experiment 2, 640 broilers were used in 4 treatments with 5 repetitions of 32 broilers each. Exp. 1 treatments: T1.- Control diet sorghum + soybean meal, T2.- As 1 + 700 ppm of the mixture of AG/ ton, T3.- As 1 + 1400 ppm of AG/ ton, T4.- As 1 + 2100 ppm of AG/ ton, T5.- As 1 + 2800 ppm of AG/ ton. In Exp. 2, treatment 5 was eliminated. In Experiment 1, there was an effect (P<0.05) on performance and carcass weight, with 700 ppm of AG. In Experiment 2, the height of intestinal villi and late hypersensitivity (P<0.05) improved with 700 ppm of AG, as well as carcass yield at 42 days. It can be concluded that the addition of 700 ppm of AminoGut in diets in broilers from 1 to 21 days of age, increased the performance, villus length, carcass yield and immune response.       




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