Growth of the red cichlid (Vieja bifasciata) fed three different levels of protein



colorada, growth, productive parameters, survival, cichlids


It is estimated that 57 species of cichlids are found in the basins and rivers of southeastern Mexico, such as Vieja bifasciata, which has a local commercial value, and can also be considered as having potential for aquaculture. The growth parameters of the hatchlings fed with NUTRIPEC brand tilapia feed were evaluated, which contained different percentages of protein (T1:25, T2:35 and T3:45%), and they were crushed to have a homogeneous size of 1.0 mm. 90 hatchlings with an average weight of 1.88±0.49 g were used, which were placed 10 fish in each tank with a capacity of 60 L., each treatment was evaluated in triplicate. Food was provided three times a day ad libitum. Every 15 days the fish were weighed and measured individually. The experimental period was 60 days. Survival, weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion factor, feed efficiency, protein efficiency rate, and condition factor were determined. The results obtained from the growth parameters of Vieja bifasciata were statistically determined that there were no statistically significant differences (P<0.05) between the treatments, except in the protein efficiency rate T1:25% (0.20±0.2) if there was a statistically significant difference (P<0.05) between the treatments, however the apparent results indicate that better results were obtained with the T4:45%. In conclusion, other assays should be performed with the same percentages of protein and other brands, to observe if there are any differences between the brands.                                



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