Feed intake and weight gain in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) fed three pellet diets



Guinea pig feed, specialised pellet for guinea pigs, Guinea pig nutrition


Feeding guinea pigs represents the most important input which can range from 63 to 90%, commercially there are no specialized feeds available that meet the nutritional requirements for this species, so they are fed with feed for other species. The objective of the research was to determine feed intake and weight gain in guinea pigs fed with feed designed for guinea pigs (POM), rabbit feed (CON) and piglet feed (LEC). Twenty-one eight-month-old females randomly distributed in three treatments were used for the experiment. Weight gain (WG) and feed intake (FI) were evaluated in the animals for four weeks, and the data obtained were analysed in a completely randomised design. The average feed consumption per day was highest (P≤0.05) for LEC, followed by CON, POM presented the lowest (P≤0.05) consumption (48.25, 39.50 and 26.75 g). Guinea pigs gained body weight from the fourth week onwards when receiving CON and LEC treatment (P≤0.05), those receiving POM did not show the least weight gain. The results indicate that guinea pig fed with piglet and rabbit diets consume 44 and 18% more feed and gain weight compared to animals receiving specialised feed.


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