Consumption of silages from forage trees by collared peccary Pecari tajacu



silage, native forages, pseudoruminant, collared peccary


The Pecari tajacu is considered a pseudo-ruminant, because it can digest vegetable fiber and produce fatty acids in its compound stomach. It has been proven that it consumes the fresh foliage of native trees; however, there is no information on the consumption of silage with chacá (Bursera simaruba), jabín (Piscidia piscipula), moringa (Moringa oleifera) and pixoy (Guazuma ulmifolia). The objective was to evaluate the preference of silage consumption by collared peccary based on moringa, pixoy, jabín and chacá with corn. Four adult male collared peccary specimens with an average weight of 17 ± 1.8 kg were used. Two experiments were carried out in the “Xmatkuil” Wildlife Management and Conservation Unit. In the first, the 4x4 Latin square design was applied for four hours, for four days with four silages. In the second experiment, the test was carried out with three silages using a 3x3 Latin square, the preferred silage from the first experiment was removed. The preferred silage in the first trial was M. oleifera (P<0.05) and B. simaruba in the second (P<0.05). No significant relationship (P>0.05) was found between the nutrient levels and the dry matter intake of the silages.         



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Research Notes