Cutaneous myiasis by Cuterebra spp. in an antelope hare (Lepus alleni) from Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
Cuterebra spp, Sonora, antelope hare, myasisAbstract
This work aimed to report the first case of Cuterebra spp. in an antelope hare in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. A morphological analysis of the larvae was carried out, where the tissue densely covered with squamiform spines and spicules with twisting labyrinths was associated with Cuterebra spp. Microscopic lesions showed granulation tissues, dermoid cysts and spicules, and fibrous connective tissue delimiting the parasite, where the structures observed are the cuticle and spicules of the parasite, causing a mononuclear inflammatory reaction at the subcutaneous level. Although this genus is widely distributed in the country, there is no documented information on this myiasis in Sonora. The host was found close to an urbanization area, representing a risk to the human population.
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