Quality of by-product derived from a biodigester fed with two organic loads of pig waste



wastewater, biogas, effluent,, sludge


The study was carried out in the livestock production module of CEAJAL, in the pig gestation area (n=12), fresh solid excreta were collected manually with a shovel and wheelbarrow, the lagoon-type biodigester was fed every day with two load levels organic (CO), CO15% and CO5% in order to determine the quality of the byproducts. The biogas and sludge were evaluated in 4 periods of 40 days each. The resulting data were analyzed using descriptive and differential statistics in the R program (4.3.1). The methane content in the biogas of CO15% and CO5% was 61.6% and 59.6%, respectively, (p<0.02). The sludge was subjected to a complementary drying treatment at environmental temperature, determining macro and micronutrients, of CO15% and CO5%, where MO, 53.9% and 57.4%; CT, 31.3% and 33.0%; NT, 3.4% and 3.5%; PT, 4.0% and 3.9%, respectively. Highlighting the statistical difference of the CT variable, (p<0.04). Despite a lower amount of CO, methane production is in the normal range and the nutrients in the sludge can be taken as a reference for organic fertilization in agriculture. To implement this type of technology, complementary treatments must be considered for each of the byproducts.





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