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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • EVERYTHING MUST BE SENT by email to In case of bird works, send to to Dr. Fidel Avila Ramos, associate editor in birds.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word. Submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1.15-spaced; uses a 12-point font; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

Author Guidelines

Scientific articles with the following characteristics are published:

1.-Originality: The work to be sent must be original, global importance and trends, new and current that guarantees appointments in the next 24 months after its publication; the authors will send a letter of originality of the data signed in the format of the journal by email to 

In case of bird works send to

The articles that the software of originality and anti-plagiarism detects plagiarism will be rejected and those articles that are on the web too, including in congresses. For authors who discover fraudulent aptitude, with fictitious data, with manipulation of results, total plagiarism, wanting to publish what has already been published in another journal, the Editor-in-Chief will deny publishing their articles for three years.

2- Language: in English and Spanish. All articles will be published in English, Spanish and Portuguese at no additional cost.

3- Type of works: original articles, short notes, technological developments, education policies, case studies, clinical cases, bibliographic reviews and short notes. The text must be original, based on scientific evidence, in addition to reflecting the experience on the subject with opinion, criteria and logic of the authors.

4- Knowledge area with the following themes: animal, veterinary, animal husbandry, livestock, veterinary medicine, animal production, wild animals, aquatic animals.

5.- Extension: 5 to 15 pages.

6.- Original articles and short notes (preliminary studies) must have a title (maximum 14 words), abstract (including objective, methodology, results, implications, originality, conclusion, but not mentioning the sections, maximum 200 words) and keywords; the above in Spanish and English; six authors maximum, write the two surnames together with script and a single name, at the end of this indicate with a superscript the place of work (in its original language, do not use acronyms), also with superscript ID hyperlinked with the link ID in line of investigation of each author (ORCID, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, others); with the corresponding author and correspondent author, place of work (in its original language), postal address and electronic mail of all authors, with Arial 10. Immediately afterwards introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, implications, conclusion, acknowledgments y literature quoted.  The number of repetitions per treatment will be at least 10 or include the calculation of sample size or present an explanation that justifies why they are less. Mention the authorization of the experiment or study by an Research Committee (Official Letter). Send a copy officially to the journal's mail. Check the latest articles published in

Actividad antihelmíntica de la vaina de Leucaena leucocephala sobre nematodos gastrointestinales de ovinos (in vitro)

Anthelmintic activity of Leucaena leucocephala pod on gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep (in vitro)

Rivero-Perez Nallely*1 ID, Agapito Jaramillo Colmenero2 ID, Peláez-Acero Armando1 ID , Rivas-Jacobo Marco2 ID, Ballesteros-Rodea Gilberto2 ID, Zaragoza-Bastida Adrián**1 ID  


1Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Área Académica de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, México. 2Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria, México. *Autor responsable: Rivero-Perez Nallely. **Autor de correspondencia: Zaragoza-Bastida Adrián, Rancho Universitario Av. Universidad km 1, A.P. 32 CP.43600. 01771717 2000 ext. 2440. Ex-Hda. de Aquetzalpa, Hidalgo, México. E-mail:,,,,,

7- Literature reviews case studies, clinical cases, technological developments and educational policies. They must have a title (maximum 14 words), abstract (including all the sections of the article, but not mentioning the sections, maximum 200 words) and keywords; the above in Spanish and English; six authors maximum, write the two surnames together with script and a single name, at the end of this indicate with a superscript the place of work (in its original language, do not use acronyms), also with superscript ID hyperlinked with the link ID in line of investigation of each author; indicate the responsible author and the correspondent author, place of work, postal address and electronic mail, with Arial 10. Then introduction, sections corresponding to the development of the subject in question, conclusion and literature cited.

8.- The articles must be sent in electronic file in Word 2013 or more recent format, in a letter-sized sheet in vertical orientation and with margins of 2.5 cm per side. The font will be Arial 12, black color, paragraph justified, 1.15 spacing, and no spaces between paragraphs. Titles centered on sentence type and in bold type.

9.- Once the manuscript is accepted, payment processing, three representative JPG photographs and an MP4 video explaining the publication must be sent.

10.- The file should be sent to the journal's mail


11.- Literature cited will be 80 % no more than 10 years old. Write it alphabetically according to the examples; also include the e-mail address at the end. All authors. Include your standardized numbering (ISSN, DOI), in case of books (ISBN) as well as patents and legislation. There should be no citation in the text without reference or references without quotes in the text. Authors should cite in the text of the following form: surname or institution comma year and in brackets, it must also be hyperlinked with the complete link of the DOI or website. Ex (Cervantes, 2016), in the case of more than two authors (Fernández et al., 2010), in the case of two authors (Abdelhadi & Santini, 2006), in the case of a corporate, it should be abbreviated, Ex (SAGARPA, 2014). Authors cited with more than one publication in the same year, should be differentiated with letters "a", "b" included in the year in superscript. In articles in journals with supplements in volume or number indicate it with suppl. In articles that do not have pages, use your code or ID with an e (e2020-23). In the books indicate the pages consulted. Include only the theses that are in an institutional repository and have a link. Do not cite articles in press, congresses, courses, conferences, newsletters, newspaper articles, interviews, internet or printed documents without author or organism, electronic documents not indexed in scientific databases, web pages (except certain statistical sites ), audio-visual documents, encyclopedias such as Wikipedia. The self-citations of both the author and the journal should not exceed 20 % of the literature consulted. In literature reviews at least they should have 50 citations. Examples of how to cite:

a) FERNÁNDEZ SS, Ferreira BL, Sousa BR, López FR, Braz LC, Faustino TL, Realino PJ, Henrique FP. 2010. Repellent activity of plant-derived compounds against Amblyomma cajennense (Acari: Ixodidae) nymphs. Veterinary Parasitology. 167(1):67-73. o 167(1):e2020-23. ISSN: 0304-4017.

b) ABDELHADI LO, Santini FJ. 2006. Corn silages vs. grain sorghum silage as a supplement to growing steers grazing high quality pastures: effects of performance and ruminal fermentation. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 127:33-43. ISSN: 0377-8401.

c) QUERO CAR. 2013. Gramíneas introducidas: Importancia e impacto en ecosistemas ganaderos. Texcoco, México: Editorial Biblioteca Básica de Agricultura. Pp. 345. ISBN: 978 -607-715-106-7.

d) PIJOAN AP. 1986. “Mortalidad Perinatal y Neonatal”. En: Pijoan APJ, Tórtora PJL, Principales enfermedades de los Ovinos y Caprinos. DF, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Pp. 219. ISBN: 968-199-298-X.

e) SAGARPA (Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación). 2014. Manual de patología apícola. México. Pp. 50.

f) SAS Institute. 2010. Statistical Analysis Software SAS/STAT®. version 9.0.2, Cary, N.C., USA: SAS Institute Inc., ISBN: 978-1-60764-599-3.

g) SEMARNAT (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales). 2002. Especificaciones de fertilidad, salinidad y clasificación de suelos. Estudios, muestreo y análisis. NOM-021-SEMARNAT-2000, México: Diario Oficial de la Federación. Pp. 85.

h) MONTOYA SA. 2016. Consumo de concentrado iniciador y crecimiento de becerras bajo diferente régimen de alimentación con leche pasteurizada. Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro. Torreón, Coahuila, México. Pp. 12-15.

12.- Insert tables in Word (not as images) and that are editable, in black and white, without leaving the margins, in separate paragraphs. The title placed on the bottom, numbered with Arabic numeral, centered, in Arial 10 and bold and inside the Arial 10 table, with clear legends. They must be referenced in the text and reflect the experimental design.

 13.- Figures to insert them in Word, in black and white, without leaving the margins, in separate paragraphs of text and at least 300 pixels per inch. The title placed in the lower part, numbered with Arabic numeral, centered, in Arial 10 and bold and inside the figure Arial 10, with clear legends. They must be referenced in the text.

14.- The equations insert them with the editor of Word (not as images).

15.- It is recommended that your article, once published, be cited in other articles sent to this or another journal. Be shared among your peers, research networks, social networks,,, and in your institutional repository.

16.- To look for the DOI enter to it is necessary to register.

17.- To create an ID profile, go to,


Google Académico,


Perform self-arbitration to your article.

Please evaluate the following items, placing Yes or No within the parentheses. You can leave in blank those that are not relevant.

1- The work is original (  ), important (  ) and transcendent (  ).

2- The work is preliminary (  ), superficial (  ) or inconclusive (  ).

3- The title is clear (  ).

4- The abstract contains objective, methods, results, implications and conclusions (  ).

5- The introduction (  ), the approach of the problem (  ) and objective (  ) are clearly exposed.

6- The methodology is clear (  ).

7- The results data are congruent (  ) and are presented in an appropriate way in Tables and Figures (  ).

8- The information presented in Results comes from data analyzed by appropriate statistical methods (  ).

9- The results are adequately discussed (  ) and confronted with updated references of other authors pertinent to the topic ( ).

10.- There are Tables or Figures that must be eliminated or changed ( ).

11.- There are errors of calculation ( ), interpretation ( ) or omission ( ).

12.- The discussion should be enriched ( ); it is a repetition of results ( ).

13.- The Conclusions are supported by direct results of the research developed ( ).

14.- The references mentioned in the text agree with those listed in the Bibliography ( ), all are pertinent to the topic ( ) and have the format of the journal ().

15.- There are sections or paragraphs that must be eliminated or reduced ().

16.- The wording, in general, should improve ( ).

17.- There are references (such as articles in print media, congresses, courses, conferences, bulletins, newspaper articles, interviews, internet or printed documents without author or organism, electronic documents not indexed in the scientific databases, web pages (except for certain statistical sites), audiovisual documents, encyclopedias such as Wikipedia) that must be eliminated (      ).

18.- In the text, additional observations that illustrate the author about the changes they must carry out are recorded (     ).


For the foregoing, my OPINION is as follows:

Accepted as is _________

Accepted, with minor modifications___________

Conditioned, with major modifications ___________

It must be rejected________



Place and date 



Editor in chief of ABANICO VETERINARIO journal



 By this means the authors express that we have worked on obtaining and analyzing the data, figures, images that are original and true. That the article is not plagiarism, nor self-plagiarism, that it has no conflicts of interest and that it has not been published in another journal or it is in the process of being published.

The responsibility of the article is assumed, to be in agreement with the content, writing, order of appearance of the authors, in the publication and assignment of rights to the ABANICO VETERINARIO journal.

This research was carried out on behalf of the institution, company, organization, etc. during the period, month-year-month-year.

Without more for the moment we said goodbye by thanking the attentions.

Sincerely the authors, (maximum six)

Surnames, single name, signature and email in order of authorship of the article. Please, indicate the author responsible for the article or research.














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