Implementation of technical improvements to increase efficiency in biogas production
OSKKK, technical improvements, kaizen, safetyAbstract
Administrative methodologies applied to agribusinesses allow for improvements in their processes. Some of these methodologies have a holistic approach to continuous improvement that enables the integration of technical and administrative procedures. One concern of socially responsible companies is environmental pollution from fossil fuels and waste from their production processes. The objective of this study was to apply the OSKKK methodology (observe in-depth, standardize, Kaizen of flow and function, Kaizen of equipment, and Kaizen of design) that allows a process of continuous improvement, in this case, that enables the company where the study was carried out, to make use of renewable energies to mitigate its environmental impact. The use of biogas was chosen to produce heat energy, and technical and safety improvements were suggested for the biodigesters. It was also found that the most important and statistically significant factor in controlling the volume of biogas is the pH of the mixture used in its production. The implementation of improvements in this type of biodigester impacts the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
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