Application of organic inputs and their effect on quality variables of tomato fruit



organic fertilizers, color, maturity stage


Tomatoes are a vegetable in high demand worldwide. Mexico has a 25.11% share of the international market. Tomatoes can be produced using organic fertilizers that improve soil characteristics and provide nutrients to plants. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of organic fertilizers on quality variables in tomato fruit during its maturity stage. The methodology consisted of preparing bocashi and the biol was acquired from a pig farm. The treatments applied were BL: Biol; BCS: bocashi; BLBCS: Biol + bocashi, at the time of harvest 30 fruits were collected at random for each treatment, the color, weight, polar and equatorial diameter of each one were measured. The results show that the smallest fruits were obtained with the biol treatment and in terms of color no statistical difference was observed between the treatments. Finally, it is concluded that the application of bocashi and the combination of this with biofertilizer favors a larger size and weight of the fruit. On the other hand, organic fertilizers do not influence the color of the fruit. However, biofertilizer applied in high concentrations causes a negative effect on these variables.                                




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