Feed cost over income in fattening rabbits in two housing systems



feeding costs, profitability, rabbits


To evaluate the cost of feeding on income in the fattening of rabbits in two housing systems (Conventional Vs Flat), both in females and males that were fed with a commercial mix, for which conventional cages and floor level were used, where they housed 80 rabbits, 40 female and 40 male New Zealand cross, 35 ± 7 days old with an average weight of 1,324 kg, 75 days old at slaughter. Feed consumption, daily weight gain, feed conversion, carcass yield and feed cost over income (CASI) were measured. The statistical analysis was performed using a completely randomized model with a 2x2 factorial arrangement (Cage type * sex), resulting in no differences (P <0.005) in the proposed interaction, as well as between the main effects, except for the consumption variable of food, which was higher (P <0.05) in males both in conventional cage and on the floor. No differences were obtained between treatments for the CASI variable. It is concluded that the fattening of rabbits with commercial food, housed in conventional cages and on the floor, is a viable option for its implementation from the productive and economic point of view.





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